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Sakurai [Squad]


[Vector Aimbot]

  • Settings
    • Fov
    • Max Distance
  • Filters
    • Player
    • Vehicle
    • Team

[Silent Aimbot]

  • Settings
    • Fov
    • Max Distance
  • Filters
    • Player
    • Vehicle
    • Team

[Player Visuals]

  • General
    • Name
    • Distance
    • Health
    • Weapon Icon
    • Admins Or Staff
    • Skeleton
  • Other
    • HE Grenades
    • Projectiles
  • Settings
    • Enable
    • Team
    • Squad
    • Max Distance

[Deployable Visuals]

  • Team/Enemy
    • Ammo Crates
    • FOB
    • FOB Info
    • HAB
    • RallyPoint
    • Repair Station
    • Other
    • Max Distance
  • Team/Enemy Adaptive Dimming
    • Enable
    • Multiplier

[Vehicle Visuals]

  • General
    • Name
    • Health
    • Distance
    • Passangers Count (pc on esp)
    • Icon
    • Icon Health Color
  • Settings
    • Enable
    • Team
    • Show Empty
    • Max Distance
  • Adaptive Dimming
    • Enable
    • Multiplier

[Camera Visuals]

  • General
    • Enable
    • Name
    • Distance
    • Box
  • Adaptive Dimming
    • Enable
    • Multiplier

[Other Visuals]

  • Stats
    • Enable
    • Dynamic
    • Kills
    • Deaths
    • Knocked By
    • Knocked For
    • TeamKills
  • Hud
    • Enable
    • Scale
    • Health
    • Tickets
  • Crosshair
    • Enable
    • Style
    • Size
    • Thikness
    • Gap
    • Dot
    • Dot Size
    • Alpha
    • Left | Right | Up | Down


  • General
    • Show All Stats
    • Disable Ragdoll
    • FOB Teleport
    • Thirdperson
    • Unlock Emotion Restricts
    • Fast Shovel
    • Locally Teleport Target Car
    • Unstuck car
    • Spoof Vehicle Interact
  • Weapon
    • No Shot Effect
    • No Recoil
    • Rapid Fire
    • Infinite Ammo
    • Always Automatic
  • Camera
    • Camera Zoom
    • Close Camera On Key
    • Free Camera
      • Allow Shooting
      • Attach Key
  • Settings
    • Font Scale
    • Menu Hue
    • Watermark
    • Load Legit
    • Menu Keybind
    • Unload Keybind
  • Processor: Intel or AMD;
  • Graphic card: Ndivia or AMD;
  • Windows 10 1903-22H2 / Windows 11 (21H2, 22H2) (Win 7,8 AND 8.1 NOT SUPPORTED!)
  • Game Mode: Fullscreen, Borderless, window;

Be sure to check the system requirements!

Subscription duration:

To pay:


see also


Fecurity [Squad]

from $6.50
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DullWave [Squad]

from $4.40
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