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Crooked Arms [SCUM]



  • Enable aimbot
  • Do not aim at zombie
  • Do not aim at friends
  • Visibility check
  • Aim priority:
  •     Distance
  •     Crosshair
  • Draw fov circle
  • Control radius
  • Draw fov circle
  • Fov
  • Distance
  • Enable prediction
  • Draw aim prediction
  • Bones selection
  •     Head
  •     Neck
  •     Left elbow
  •     Right elbow
  •     Body
  •     Pelvis
  •     Left knee
  •     Right knee
  • Bone change time
  • Key selection


  • Only visible
  • Draw zombie/sentry
  • Name
  • Category
  • Item in hands (Players)
  • Line
  • Health
  • Box 2D
  • Distance
  • Skeleton
  •     Size line skeleton
  •     Skeleton draw distance
  •     Backlight distance
  • Drone
  • Corpses
  •     Player
  •     Zombie
  •     Animals
  • Corpses distance
  • Animals
  • Vehicle


  • Enable radar/compass
  • Backlight distance:
  • Position by X:
  • Position by Y:
  • Size
  • Alpha


  • Open loot list
  •      Weapon
  •      Equipment
  •      Chest
  •      Attachment
  •      Ammunition
  •      Medication
  •      Drink
  •      Food
  •      Clothes
  •      Explosive
  •      Other
  •      Selected
  • Airdrops
  • Weapon
  • Equipment
  • Chest
  • Attachment
  • Ammunition
  • Medication
  • Drink
  • Food
  • Clothes
  • Explosive
  • Unknown
  • Weed out spoiled food/drink
  • Rarity loot
  • Quality loot


  • No recoil (Danger)
  • No spread (Danger)
  • Always day (Danger)
  • Unlimited ammo (Danger)
  • Unlimited weapon stamina drain (Danger)
  • Draw wires for bomb defuse
  • Draw picking locks point
  • Automatic picking of locks (Danger)
  •      Key selection
  • Draw crosshair
  •      Crosshair color
  • Speedhack (soon)



  • Visible players color
  • Invisible players color
  • Target player color
  • Friendly player color
  • Zombie color
  • Zombie kamikaze color
  • Sentry color
  • Animals color
  • Corpses color
  • Drone color
  • Vehicles color
  • Compass color
  • Clothes color
  • Medication color
  • Food color
  • Drink color
  • Container color
  • Ammunition color
  • Attachment color
  • Equipment color
  • Weapon color
  • Explosive color
  • Other color
  • Selected loot color


  • Key to disable loot
  • Open menu key

The functionality can be changed, added or removed...***

  • Processor: Intel or Amd;
  • Graphics card: Ndivia или AMD;
  • Supported OS: 1903 - all new (Windows 10 / 11 (Win 7,8 and 8.1 NOT SUPPORTED!)
  • Supported Window Mode: Window mode or Borderless (there is a way to play in full screen mode)

Be sure to check the system requirements!

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see also