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Mason [Gray Zone Warfare]



  • Aimbot / Activate Aimbot
  • Aimbot key / Set a key for the aimbot to work, the selected key must be pressed and held
  • Draw FOV / Display the aimbot's working radius, FOV circle
  • Aimbot FOV / Set the radius of the aimbot, circle FOV



  • Player box / Display 2D squares around players
  • Player skeleton / Display player skeletons
  • Distance / Set the display distance of players
  • Draw bot / Display bots
  • Draw name / Display player names
  • Ignore Team / Ignore your Allies



  • Crosshair / Display the crosshair (sight) in the center of the monitor, there is an adjustment of the size of the crosshair



  • Items ESP / Display loot items
  • Explorable zone ESP / Display areas under study
  • Quest items ESP / Display quest items



  • SpeedHack / Player Acceleration
  • Debug Mode
  • Save config / Save custom cheat settings
  • Load config / Load custom cheat settings


* The functionality of the program can be changed at any time at the discretion of the developer, but we always try to keep the information up to date

  • Processor: Intel or AMD;
  • Graphics card: Ndivia or AMD;
  • Supported OS: Windows 10 (2004-22H2) (Win 7, 8, 8.1 AND 11 NOT SUPPORTED!);
  • Supported Window Mode: Borderless, Windowed;

Be sure to check the system requirements!

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see also


Dullwave [Gray Zone Warfare]

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