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Crooked Arms [EFT]



  • Enable aimbot
  • Do not aim at my group
  • Do not aim the wild (for the wild)
    Aim type:
  • Mouse movement
  • Sight movement
  • Silent movement
    Aim priority:
  • Distance
  • Crosshair
  • Control radius ( radius control for Mouse movement )
  • Draw fov circle
  • Fov
  • Distance
  • Enable prediction (Only online)
  • Draw aim prediction
    Bones selection (Players): ( select bone . you can choose 1 bone or several bones)
  • Head
  • Neck
  • Left elbow
  • Right elbow
  • Body
  • Pelvis
  • Left knee
  • Right knee 
    Bones selection (Bots): ( select bone . you can choose 1 bone or several bones)
  • Head
  • Neck
  • Left elbow
  • Right elbow
  • Body
  • Pelvis
  • Left knee
  • Right knee
  • Bone change time
  • Key selection


  • Name
  • Side of the player (Usec , Bear)
  • Line
  • Box 2D
    Skeleton type:
  • Disabled
  • Normal
  • Health
  • Skeleton line thickness
  • Skeleton draw distance
  • Distance
  • Friends
  • Item in hands
  • Player loot cost
  • Show all loot on hover
  • Backlight distance: from 1m to 2000m


  • Name
  • Line
  • Box 2D
    Skeleton type:
  • Disabled
  • Normal
  • Health
  • Skeleton line thickness
  • Skeleton draw distance
  • Distance
  • Item in hands
  • Player loot cost
  • Show all loot on hover
  • Backlight distance:


  • Enable radar/compass
  • Draw bots
  • Backlight distance:
  • Position by X:
  • Position by Y:
  • Size:
  • Alpha:


Open loot list:

  • Barter
  • Mods
  • Ammo
  • Specials (keys, keycard, multitool....)
  • Equipment
  • Weapons
  • Money
  • Quest
  • Food
  • Meds
  • Info subjects
  • Containers
  • Lootable (Boxes, jackets, barrels)
  • Corpse
  • Other
  • Selected
    Sort loot list type:
  • Name
  • Price
  • Loot setting type
  • Distance
  • Price
  • Loot update time
  • Loot position update time
  • Player loot update time
  • Search selected loot on players
  • Show all loot on hover
  • Mark items found in a raid
  • Loot type
  • Loot price


  • Open list of quests
  • Show all quest items
  • Show all quest zones


  • Compensate all weapon effects
  • No recoil
  • No spread
  • No sway
  • Unlimited stamina/oxygen
  • Loot through walls (Danger)
  • Disable inertia (Danger)
  • Visual disable visor
  • Night vision
  • Thermal vision
  • Ammo count
  • Exits from the location
  • Draw active grenades
  • Load mines (long loading battle)(distance < 100m)
  • Draw crosshair

COLORS Широкий выбор цветовой палитры

  • My group players color
  • Target player color
  • Usec & Bear players color
  • Player savage color
  • Boss savage color
  • Bot savage color
  • Barter color
  • Mods color
  • Ammo color
  • Specials & Keys color
  • Equipment color
  • Weapons color
  • Money color
  • Quest color
  • Food color
  • Meds color
  • Info Subject color
  • Containers color
  • Boxes, jackets, barrels color
  • Corpse color
  • Other loot color
  • Selected loot color


Loot cost calculation type

  • Base price
  • Flea price
  • Key to disable loot and exits
  • Open menu key
  • Processor: Intel or Amd;
  • Graphics card: Ndivia или AMD;
  • Supported OS: 1903 - all new (Windows 10 / 11 (Win 7,8 and 8.1 NOT SUPPORTED!)
  • Supported Window Mode: Window mode or Borderless (there is a way to play in full screen mode)

Be sure to check the system requirements!

Subscription duration:

To pay:


see also

on update

Secret [EFT]

from $4.10
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Chams [EFT]

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