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Crooked Arms [Battlefield 2042]



  • Only visible / Show only visible players
  • Friends / Show friends
  • Name / Display player names
  • Line / Display lines to players
  • Skeleton / Display player skeletons
  • Box type / Select the type of display boxes
  • Disabled / Disable the display of boxes
  • 2D Box / Display 2D boxes around players
  • 3D Box / Display 3D boxes around players
  • Health / Display player health
  • Distance / Display distance to players
  • Vehicles / Show vehicles
  • Size line Box / skeleton / Set the size of the displayed lines / skeletons
  • Skeleton distance / Set the display distance of skeletons
  • Additional distance / Set additional display distance
  • Backlight distance / Set backlight distance


  • Enable radar / Enable radar
  • Backlight distance / Set the distance of the radar
  • Position by X / Position adjustment along the X axis
  • Position by Y
  • Size by W / Set radar size to W
  • Size by H / Set radar size to H
  • Alpha / Set radar transparency


  • Enable aimbot / Enable aimbot
  • Enable prediction / Enable and disable prediction for shooting
  • Type / Set the type of work of the aimbot
  • Mouse movement / Aimbot works when moving the mouse
  • Aim priority / Set the priority for the work of the aimbot (distance / sight)
  • Crosshair / Aimbot works on sight
  • Distance / Aimbot works by distance
  • Aim on vehicles / Activate aimbot work on vehicles
  • Visibility Check / Enable checking for the visibility of the target for the aimbot to work
  • Control radius / Set the radius of control (free zone for moving the sight, taking into account the captured target)
  • Draw fov circle / Disable the visual circle of the radius of the "FoV" aimbot
  • Fov / Set the radius of the aimbot (FOV)
  • Distance / Set the distance of the aimbot
  • Draw prediction circle / Turn on the display of the prediction zone triggered
  • Advanced settings / Additional settings
  • Velocity modifier / Enable speed modifier
  • Bones selection / Selecting a body part for the aimbot to work, you can select 1 body part or several
  • Head / Head
  • Neck / Neck
  • Left elbow / Left hand
  • Right elbow / Right hand
  • Body / Body
  • Pelvis / Groin
  • Left knee / Left knee
  • Right knee / Right knee
  • Bone change time / Frequency of body part change for aimbot operation
  • Key selection / Selecting a key for the aimbot to work


  • Color friends / Set the display color of friends
  • Color hidden enemy / Set the color of the hidden enemy
  • Color visible enemy / Set the color of the visible enemy
  • Target color / Set target display color

* The functionality of the program can be changed at any time at the discretion of the developers without prior notification of users!

  • Processor: Intel or Amd;
  • Graphics card: Ndivia или AMD;
  • Supported OS: 1903 - all new (Windows 10 / 11 (Win 7,8 and 8.1 NOT SUPPORTED!)
  • Supported Window Mode: Window mode or Borderless (there is a way to play in full screen mode)

Be sure to check the system requirements!

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CFF [Battlefield V]

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from $15.00
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