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CFF [Battlefield V]



The aimbot works correctly when the function Switch Target is enabled / The aimbot works correctly when the function Switch Target is enabled

  • Aimbot / Enable normal Aimbot
  • Silent Aimbot / Enable Silent Aimbot (damage will be the enemy even when you shoot next to him)
  • Auto Aimbot / Automatic Aimbot triggering
  • Auto Fire
  • Visible Checks / Aimbot only works on those in the line of sight
  • Switch Target / Aimbot will switch to the next target (according to the set priority) if the current target is out of range or dead.
  • Aim Lock / Aimbot will not switch to another target as long as it is locked on the current target.
  • Aiming Speed / Aimbot Targeting Speed
  • Auto Fire Delay / Auto Fire Delay
  • Aim Key / Ability to set a standard key for the Aimbot
  • Alternative Aim Key / Ability to set an additional key for the Aimbot
  • Aim Zone / Ability to select the zone of the Aimbot
  • Aiming Style / Ability to change the style of aimbot



  • Player Names / Display player nicknames
  • Draw Team / Display the players on your team- Distance Tags / Display the distance to players
  • Health Bar / Display the health bar
  • Bounding Box / Display 2D squares around players
  • 3D Box / Display 3D squares around players
  • Enemy Line / Display lines to players
  • Skeleton / Display skeletons on players
  • Crosshair / Display crosshairs
  • Explosives / Display explosives
  • Pickup / Display items that can be picked up
  • Supply / Display supply items
  • Bullets / Display bullets that have been fired from the weapon
  • Objects Names / Display object names
  • Enemy Color / Enemy Color that is not visible
  • Visible Color / The color of an enemy that is visible
  • Vehicle Color / The color of vehicles that are not visible
  • Crosshair Size
  • Crosshair Color
  • Team Color / Color of your team
  • Explosive Color / Change the color of explosives display
  • Bullets Color / Change the display color of the bullets that were fired from the weapon
  • Supply Color / Change the display color of the supplies
  • Pickup Color / Change the display color of the items being picked up
  • Entity Distance / Change the display range of items, explosives, etc.
  • Player Distance / Change the display range of players (both opponents and allies)



  • Enable Radar
  • Radar Box / Radar Background
  • Radar Cross / Radar Grid
  • Radar Vehicle Type
  • Radar Cross to center / Radar in the center of the screen
  • Radar Dot / Radar dot in the center
  • Radar Fov / Radar field of view
  • Radar Size
  • Radar Dots Size
  • Radar Border Color / Radar Background Color
  • Radar Cross Color / Radar Grid Color
  • Radar Pos X / Radar position on X axis
  • Radar Pos Y / Radar position on Y axis
  • Radar Scope / Display Scale Setting


  • No Recoil
  • No Spread
  • Magic Bullets (an improved version of Silent Aim that allows you to kill enemies within 20 meters of the original target. Works also on vehicles) /
  • Magic Bullets (an improved version of Silent Aim that allows you to kill enemieswithin 20 meters of the original target. Alsow on vehicle)


  • Only Headshot / Shooting the enemy and no matter where, all kills will be made at the head.
  • No Headshot / Shooting at the enemy and no matter where, all kills will go anywhere but the head.- Auto Spot Time Interval / Ability to change the time interval when the automatic player spotlight will be triggered (the smaller it is, the faster it will mark opponents).
  • Names Spoof (except chat, you can hide it) / Hides all nicknames in the game (except chat, just hide it)
  • pSilent Auto Wall (while working in the area 10 meters away from you) / Shoot through walls (while working in the area 10 meters away from you)



  • Weapon
  • Gadget / Display Gadgets- Health / Display first aid kits
  • Armor / Display armor plates
  • Ammo / Display ammo
  • Sidearm / Display guns
  • Melee / Display edged weapons (knives, machetes, axes, etc.)
  • Throwable / Display throwable weapons (grenades)
  • Armor Vest / Display Armor Vests
  • Empty Vehicle / Display empty vehicles
  • Ignore LVL 1 / Do not display first level loot
  • Ignore LVL 2 / Do not display second level loot
  • Ammo Pistol / Display ammo for pistols
  • Ammo SMG / Display ammo for submachine guns
  • Ammo LMG / Display ammo for light machine guns
  • Ammo Rifle / Display ammo for rifles
  • Ammo Shotgun / Display ammo for Shotguns
  • Ammo Sniper / Display ammo for sniper weapons
  • Loot Distance / Change loot display range
  • Weapon Color / Change weapon display color
  • Gadget Color / Change gadgets display color
  • Health Color / Change the display color of first aid kits
  • Armor Color / Change display color
  • Ammo Color / Change the color of ammo display
  • Melee Color / Change the display color of edged weapons
  • Sidearm Color / Change the display color of pistols
  • Throwable Color / Change the display color of throwable weapons
  • Backpack Color / Change the display color of backpacks
  • Armor Vest Color / Change the display color of armor vests
  • Vehicle Color / Change the display color of vehicles


  • Save Setting
  • Load Setting / Load saved settings of the reader
  • Menu Key / Possibility to set your own button to call the menu of the reader
  • Processor: Intel or AMD;
  • Graphics card: Ndivia или AMD;
  • Supported OS: Windows 10 20H2-22H2 and Windows 11 (21H2, 22H2) (Win 7,8 AND 8.1 NOT SUPPORTED!);
  • Supported Window Mode: Fullscreen, Borderless, Windowed;

Be sure to check the system requirements!

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