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DullWave [Arena]



  • Bind
  • Bone
  • Draw FOV
  • Dynamic Smooth
  • Aim Lock
  • Humanize
  • Invisibles
  • On Players
  • On Bots
  • Draw Snapline


  • Style [2D, CORNER]
  • Draw Box
  • Filled
  • Price
  • Attachments
  • Other Items
  • Containers
  • Medicine
  • Backpack
  • Vestbag
  • Weapon
  • Armor
  • Drink
  • Food
  • Ammo
  • Container distance
  • Loot distance
  • Min Item Price


  • PlayerESP
  • Style [2D, CORNER]
  • HealthBar
  • Inventory
  • Nickname
  • Distance
  • Skeleton
  • Snapline
  • Weapon
  • Filled
  • Level
  • Price
  • Type
  • Head
  • Bot ESP
  • Bot Inventory
  • Bot Skeleton
  • Bot Distance
  • Bot Weapon
  • Bot Corpse
  • Bot Health
  • Bot Level
  • Bot Price
  • Bot Type
  • Bot Head
  • Grenade ESP
  • Corpse ESP
  • Corpse Inventory
  • Corpse Price
  • Bot Distance
  • Corpse Distance


  • Draw Crosshair
  • No Recoil [RISK]
  • No Spread [RISK]
  • Processor: Intel or Amd;
  • Graphics card: Ndivia or AMD;
  • Supported OS: Windows 10 version 1903-22H2 (Win 7, 8, 8.1 and 11 NOT SUPPORTED!)
  • Supported Window Mode: Fullscreen, window mode or borderless;

Be sure to check the system requirements!

Subscription duration:

To pay:


see also


Crooked [Arena_Break_Out]

from $4.40
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Warwor [Arena]

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