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Crooked [Arena_Break_Out]



  • Enable aimbot / Enable aimbot
  • Aiming at knocked players / Activate aimbot at knocked players
  • Aiming at bots (Playing as a wild player) / Activate Aimbot at bots (Playing as a wild player))
  • Visibility check / Check the visibility of the target for the Aimbot
  • Show snapline / Show the aiming line
  • Smoothing (more > faster) / Set smoothness of aiming of the aimbot
  • Show fov / Display the radius of the animbot, circle FOV
  • Fov / Set the radius of FOV, circle FOV
  • Distance / Set the distance of aimbo operation

Bones selection / Select a body part to be used by the animbot

  • Head
  • Neck
  • Left elbow
  • Right elbow
  • Body
  • Pelvis
  • Left knee
  • Right knee
  • Hotkey selection / Set a key to activate the aimbot, the set key must be pressed and held for the aimbot to work.


  • Only visible / Display only visible players
  • My team players / Display teammates
  • Name / Display player names
  • Team / Display the team of players
  • Level / Display player level
  • Category / Display player category
  • Weapon in hands / Display weapons in players' hands
  • Corpse / Display dead players
  • Line / Display lines to players

Box type / Select the type of the displayed 2D square around the players

  • Disabled / Disable the display of the 2D square around the players
  • 2D / Display 2D square around players
  • 3D / Display a 3D square around the players

Skeleton / Display players' skeleton

  • Skeleton line thickness / Set the thickness of the displayed players skeleton
  • Skeleton display distance / Set the distance of the displayed skeleton players

Distance / Set the distance of the displayed players' skeletons

  • Display distance / Display distance to players


  • Only visible / Display only visible bots
  • Name / Display bot names
  • Level / Display bot level
  • Category / Display the category of bots
  • Weapon in hands / Display bots' weapons in hands
  • Corpse / Display dead bots
  • Line / Display lines to bots

Box type / Select the type of 2D square displayed around the bots

  • Disabled / Disable display of 2D square around bots
  • 2D / Display 2D square around bots
  • 3D / Display 3D square around bots

Skeleton / Display the skeleton of bots

  • Skeleton line thickness / Set the thickness of the displayed skeleton bots
  • Skeleton display distance / Set the distance of the displayed skeleton bots

Distance / Set the distance of the displayed skeleton bots

  • Display distance / Display distance to bots


  • Enable radar / Enable radar
  • Show players / Display players on radar
  • Show bots / Display bots on radar
  • Display distance / Set radar distance
  • Position by X / Set radar position by X axis
  • Position by Y / Set radar position by Y axis
  • Size / Set the size of the radar displayed


  • Ammo / Display Ammo
  • Weapons / Display Weapons
  • Weapon adapters / Display weapon adapters
  • Equipments / Display Equipment
  • Medicine / Display Medicine
  • Food / Display food
  • Keys / Display keys
  • Miscellaneous items / Display a variety of items
  • Containers / Display containers
  • Other / Display everything else


  • Change color if (players / bots) is visible / Change display color of visible players and bots
  • Invisible players color / Set the display color of players not in view
  • Visible players / bots color / Set the display color of visible players and bots
  • Players color / Set the display color of players
  • Wild players color / Set the display color of wild players
  • Bots color / Set the display color of bots
  • Corpses color / Set corpses display color
  • My team players color / Set team display color
  • Knocked players color / Set the display color of knocked down players
  • Weapons color / Set weapon display color
  • Weapon adapters color / Set the display color of weapon adapters
  • Ammo color / Set ammo display color
  • Medicine color / Set the display color of medicine
  • Food color / Set food color
  • Equipments color / Set equipment display color
  • Keys color / Set the display color of keys
  • Miscellaneous items color / Set the display color of miscellaneous items
  • Loot containers color / Set the display color of loot containers
  • Other items color / Set the display color of all other items


  • Hotkey to disable loot / Set hotkey to disable loot display
  • Menu opening hotkey / Set the key to open and close the read menu in the game, the default key is “HOME”.
  • Processor: Intel or Amd;
  • Graphics card: Ndivia or AMD;
  • Supported OS: 1903 - all new (Windows 10 / 11 (Win 7,8 and 8.1 NOT SUPPORTED!)
  • Supported Window Mode: Window mode or Borderless (there is a way to play in full screen mode)
  • Run from USB Flash drive;

Be sure to check the system requirements!

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